3g/3gs unlock without wifi

First of all, there are a few things we need to clear up. For this tutorial we will be using Ultrasn0w 1.2.4, this means it will be compatible with the following basebands: iPhone 4 01.59.00, iPhone 3G/3GS 05.11.01, 05.12.01, 05.13.04 and 06.15.00. Your iPhone will need to be jailbroken with ether The Pwnage tool, or Redsn0w, this will not work with Spirit.
Here we go.

1. Prep - You will need to download the following two files.
DiskAid (ether Mac or PC) Ultrasnow 1.2.4 deb + MobileSubstrate
2. Connect iPhone to computer using USB cable
3. Open DiskAid
4. Click on the folder 'Root' on the right hand side. Your screen should look the same as below
5. Next, click on the folder 'Var' in the second window - as shown below
6. Next, click on the folder 'Root' in the next window, again shown below.
7. Then click on the folder 'Media'.
8. Next, if you have a folder named 'Cydia' already in the next window, skip this step. Otherwise we will need to create one. Right click within the window and select 'New Folder'. Name this folder 'Cydia' (ensure you capitalise the C). Click on the folder you have just created 
9. If you have a folder named 'AutoInstall' already in the next window, skip this step. Otherwise we will need to create one. Right click within the empty window and select 'New Folder'. Name this folder 'AutoInstall' (ensure you capitalise the A and the I). Click on the folder you have just created. 
10. Great, we have now setup the folders within your iPhone. We now need to copy both the Ultrasn0w.deb and the MobileSubstrate deb into the AutoInstall folder. To do this, simply drap them from your desktop into the folder in DiskAid.
11. Simply restart your iPhone twice and Ultrasn0w will be installed and running. (Restarting once installs Ultrasn0w, restarting a second time will start your phone with Ultrasn0w running). Insert your simcard and you will be good to go!
If you have any questions or need clarification with any of the steps, feel free to ask them below and we will answer them as soon as possible!

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